Strawberry Banke

By John Grey


We're touring Strawberry Banke,
the weaver's house, the cabinetmaker,
industrious potters swirling clay
around their fingers.

Life has changed since the heyday
of this area, not always for the better.
Everyone's a keyboard, a screen,
removed from what they're really doing.
Who touches fabric? Who carves wood?
Who drinks from the issue of their own kiln?
Damn all computers and their kin.
I feel the urge to get back to the basics.

It's early Autumn in New Hampshire.
Wind is tinged with a breath of cold.
Leaves turn in time for the tourist trade.
You take my photograph before
the vegetable and herb beds, a cooper's barrel,
the governor's mansion, the Chase House Door.
Present grins for the digital camera.
Behind me, a past with reason to smile.

photo by SwapnIl Dwivedi